Bebop: Quick Notes

Bebop: Quick Notes

Bebop is an iOS notes app built with a capture-first mentality. It assumes that review and organization are better done on larger screens, and a mobile interface should be lightning-fast and clutter-free.

  • No ads, no logins, no tracking: Files are synced natively to your chosen iCloud or Dropbox folder [1]
  • BYOMA (Bring Your Own Mac App): Open file formats including .txt and .md plug neatly into plain-text apps like Obsidian and NVAlt
  • Flashback: Cycle through recent notes with a single tap
  • Share extension: Quickly save links and text from other iOS apps
  • Unlimited notes: Even for free users!
  • One-time Pro upgrade (no subscriptions): For color themes, power-user settings, and to support future development.

Who made this?

Bebop’s is built by me, Jack Cheng, an author and solo maker in Detroit, Michigan. Read about Bebop's design and development process.


Threads: @jackcheng

Privacy Policy

Bebop is a simple note-taking app made by Jack Cheng LLC. All of your user settings and created notes are stored locally on your device and/or in your specified iCloud Drive folder. Notes are never shared with me or any third parties. Bebop does not collect, transmit, or store any user data whatsoever, and it contains no third-party services, advertisements, or analytics tools.

If this privacy policy changes, you’ll be notified of the changes via the Bebop app. If you have any questions, please contact me at

  1. Dropbox sync requires you to have the Dropbox iOS app installed. ↩︎